DIY silvered fridge magnets – Smeg head fridge

The Smeggin’ silver fridge magnets

Today one of my favourite TV series is back; Red Dwarf. It returns to Dave and the adverts convince me that this is going to be a gooden (I wasn’t too sure about series 10 but it looks like they’re back to what made them great in the original series’ – so I can’t wait!

In honour of this I thought I’d update the Smeg fridge in our house by making some silvered letters. This article tells all.

What you’ll need

Items needed to make your magnetic silver letters

Items needed to make your magnetic silver letters

Letters and paint are from eBay – about £2 a piece. Just remember to lay down some newspaper otherwise you’ll ruin the table!

First spray of silver - will need a few coats

First spray of silver – will need a few coats

Multiple sprays to complete the lettering

Multiple sprays to complete the lettering









A few notes on spraying the letters

This was just a quick thing I made, I thought I could put the letters up in my room when they’re off the fridge – they’re a nice lil thing to have I think. It’s worth noting a few things I found out pretty quickly:

  1. Keep the spray quick and build multiple layers. Spraying too much makes the letters look bumpy and some had a bit of an odd texture. A spray every 15 minutes for an hour should do the trick.
  2. If I wanted to spend more time on this then I’d raise each letter with a bit of blue tack. That way the paint wouldn’t peel off the side of the letter when taking it off the paper; this happened to a few (although you wont see this in the photos).
  3. After all of this I found that the fridge we have isn’t even metal on the front. FFS haha. I wanted to get an image to tweet though so I stuck blue tack behind the letters. On another note, why is there a fridge called Smeg anyway?


The silver letter result - Smeg head

The silver letter result – Smeg head